Two new NFH Council members have recently joined, both of whom are working in healthcare, namely Andries Noback and Sabine Pinedo.

Andries is a senior life coach for people with autism, was treasurer of the Professional Association of Green Care (BVGZ) that was discontinued on 1 January 2020 and was chairman of the Gelderland region of the Dutch Association of Autism. Andries joined as a board member and treasurer.

Sabine is an internist, healthcare entrepreneur, keynote and TedX speaker. She is also active in prevention, positive lifestyle changes and (online) healthcare innovations. She is a co-founder and director of Vital10. Sabine is also board member of the Ingeborg Douwes Foundation.

Agnes van den Berg and André Hoek joined in late 2019 / early 2020. Agnes is Special Professor of Perception and Valuation of Nature and Landscape at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen (NL), and owner of Natureforpeople (Natuurvoormensen) – Environmental Psychological Research. André Hoek is director Hoek Hoveniers, a member of the VHG branch association – for entrepreneurs in green). He was involved in the creation of NFH in 2013.

Cora Postema, former executive board member of BVGZ, became NFH ambassador. Cora is Discovery Traveler and Secretary of State for the Ministry of Life and organizer of the first four NFH Seasonal Meetings.

NFH’s Implementation Team is very active and now consists of 8 members and 1 advisor.

The recently established Nature For Health Online Community already has over 500 members, and is still growing.

NFH is also pleased with the growing number of partners, including (previously) Buitenpsychologen (Outdoor psychologists) and Pro Persona, and more recently Feelz, Architecture of Cure, Stichting Buitenschool, FactorW, and NatureBliss. The Groene Stad Foundation and NFH have also decided to work together. And more news soon!

NFH members and new NFH partners will introduce themselves in upcoming newsletters.

Click here for an overview of NFH partners.